Monday, March 22, 2010

Good vs. Bad Brand

In brand management interviews, one typical question is “What is an example of a good brand?” This query also comes in other flavors, such as “What is a brand you can’t live without?” or “What’s your favorite brand?” All of these questions are really testing your ability to talk coherently about a brand, its value proposition, and how well it’s supported through marketing and product development. Although there is no right or wrong answer, whatever you do, don’t use Coke, Pepsi, Nike, or Apple as your example, unless you are striving to be forgettable.

Here’s one current example of a “good” brand that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about recently: Oral-B (a Proctor & Gamble brand). When I thought this morning of a product I couldn’t live without, my Oral-B CrossAction manual toothbrush came to mind. But just liking a product doesn’t make the brand great. Here’s what Oral-B seems to be doing very well:

PRODUCT INNOVATION – This is the area where P&G spends more money than any competitor. They study their target segments of the population, perform extensive market research, and engineer new products with precise detail. If you examine a CrossAction toothbrush, you see that it is truly different from any other toothbrush, in terms of the angles of the bristles and the varied bristle types. And it really does seem to remove more plaque from the teeth than a traditional toothbrush. Oh, and did I mention that it has a special texture on the back of the toothbrush head for scraping your tongue? Genius!


AWARENESS – The brand maintains great awareness. I imagine that if I performed an unaided survey asking “What is are some brands of toothbrush?”, Oral-B would be at the top of your list. That’s not just a fluke—it takes a lot of money and effort to gain that position.

FOLLOWS THE HUMAN LIFECYCLE – Oral-B can follow you throughout your life. There are products specifically tailored to babies, toddlers, youth, teenagers, and so on. They also make electric toothbrushes for the lazier stages of life.

MARKETING SUPPORT – TV commercials (especially outside the USA) and magazine ads are abundant. Oral-B and the good folks at P&G know that consumers need regular reminders of their brand in order to make them feel more comfortable when they spend $4+ on a toothbrush, so the messages will reach you frequently.

CHANNEL DEVELOPMENT – Why is it that your free toothbrush at the dentist’s office is always an Oral-B? It’s because the brand managers have developed those distribution channels very well over time. The company spends time with dentists, finding out what’s important to them, as well as building relationships with national organizations.

TRADE PROMOTIONS & COUPONS – The company uses frequent promotions, plus occasional BOGOs (buy-one-get-one-free deals) to maintain premium shelf space in retail stores. Because their product quality is so high, it’s almost impossible to go back to a straight-bristle brush after using a CrossAction, so the promo accomplishes its goal of winning a new loyal customer.

Even if you don’t share my delight in diagonal bristles, it’s hard not be impressed with Oral-B’s ability to brush away the competition and earn a mint in profits.  Do you have an example of a brand you couldn't live without?


  1. I enjoyed reading about your love of a toothbrush. I cannot think of an interesting brand, but with a sick child on my shoulder I will say Tylenol. What would I do to lower a fever, reduce teething pain or any of the myriad complaints without this drug?

  2. I actually do a lot of research on branding-- it's a large bulk of my media literacy course in fact. if you ever want to compare notes etc. i'm sure you're well read in the fields of branding and consumer satisfaction, but the educator in me can't resist suggestions for further study... my recommendations:
    *the persuaders (PBS doc) i'm sure you've seen it, but if you havent, you should. right now. it's online.
    * really anything by Douglas Ruskoff. Life, inc is fantastic!
    * the century of the self: building a brand called you (British documentary)
    * No Logo- Naomi Klein
    *The Brand Underground--robert walker (2006 NY times article)
    *the paradox of choice--barry schwartz. (watch the ted talk if you don't have time to read it... it's a little dry, but it's REALLy good information)
    * the cult of mac By Leander Kahney -- there is a brand i'm fiercely loyal too. loyalty beyond reason in fact. way beyond reason.


  3. Hey Tim – As someone who has spent the last several years working on the non-creative side of business (corp finance) I really enjoyed reading your posts. You touch on several things that I rarely get to consider so I enjoyed your perspective. I’m headed to b-school in Aug and this is a facet business I really look forward to learning. Hope things are going well. - Chris

  4. I kinda want to go out and buy this toothbrush....But i'm riding the soniccare wave lately :-) Maybe my business trip toothbrush :-)
